Issues with Komga 1.4.0

Hi there. I’ve got issue with Komga 1.4.0. Everytime I try to navigate to an item of the OPDS catalog, I’ve got this error :

And in Komga logs, I’ve got this error :

books-komga-1  | 2023-09-12T10:10:39.204+02:00  WARN 1 --- [io-25600-exec-3] o.s.web.servlet.PageNotFound             : No mapping for GET /opds/v1.2/https:/my.komga.url/opds/v1.2/ondeck

(my.komga.url is of course the URL of my komga server). I don’t quite get why we’d try to access that sort of URL.

Reverting to Komga 1.3.1 fixes the issue, so I guess the issue is with Komga, but just trying to be sure.

[edit] : well, this has also been reported here : Problem connecting to Komga 1.4 via OPDS and here OPDS Errors with Panels iOS app since v1.4.0 · Issue #1221 · gotson/komga · GitHub


The issue is not with Komga. It happened because Komga’s

OPDS output has switched from using relative URLs to absolute URLs.

However, as is pointed out in the same issue you linked to that I’m quoting from and that was closed by the developer, because it is not a problem with Komga:

Opds can use a mix of urls, absolute or relative, and relative url are quite complex and can be relative to the current browsing url.

The opds client needs to handle this complexity at their end.

Hopefully the devs here can respond and let us know what next steps will be to address this.

That’s what gotson tells us. But we have only one side of the story for now. Especially as Chunky has the same issue. Let’s wait until @dani chimes in to give us the other side of the story.

I maintain my own personal server with Komga, plus those of three other people. I have tested on multiple Apple devices. Chunky works on all of them. Panels works on none of them

There is an update on the GitHub issue (by one of the Panels authors) that it is likely a client issue. So I guess the issue will be resolved soon.

Acknowledging the issue and solving it aren’t exactly the same thing.
I won’t hold my breath for a fix until the devs gives us an ETA, which might (although I don’t hope so) not be in the very near future.

As discussed via Discord, this issue is now fixed in Panels (also in 3.0 beta testflight). Thanks all for helping us testing and letting us know about the issue.

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I’m not entirely sure why, but the issue with Panels 3 + Komga 1.4.0 is still present for me at least—it was working fine the first day I signed up for the TestFlight beta, but ever since, I haven’t been able to get past the “Unable to load” error. Is there something on my end I can do to fix this? Should I swing by the Discord channel?

There is an issue with the latest beta. Go back to the previous one.


Thanks so much for the fix!