Hello, I’m trying to setup OPDS from my own static IP server (no domain name, IP address only). I don’t have an SSL certificate and am just trying to connect over HTTP. Is this possible in Panels any longer? Lots of the the previous forum posts and tutorial I have found show that it was, at least once upon a time, possible. Is there still a way to do this in Panels? I get security errors every time I type in the information. I’ve verified the connection works through a web browser. I’m on a free trial period and was hoping to see what Panels could do with my library.
Hi @ESO223
Secure connections have been required on iOS since iOS 9 due to the introduction of the App Transport Security.
Unless we completely disable the ATS, HTTPS is mandatory for public servers.
We added an exception for local networks so users can connect to their servers locally over HTTP. But public IPs and domain names require an SSL certificate.
If you want to see how Panels looks with a public OPDS server, you can try the Kavita public demo server
Here’s a guide to connect a Kavita server Kavita | Panels Guides