Ubooquity Streaming

Love the app, specifically because of the “guided view” feature. Works incredibly well for an experimental feature.
I have spent quite some time to manage to get a “real” certificate for my dyndns domain using letsencrypt just to get Ubooquity OPDS working with Panels.
I was very surprised (and disappointed) to see that comic streaming (reading via OPDS without actually downloadingthe comic) is not supported.
Are there any plans to implement this? Chunky does it and it’s great.



Could you please reply? If this is noit plnned that’s fine but some kind of response would be appreciated…

Hi @jroeben , we try to answer all of the messages as soon as we can, but Panels is not our main occupation and sometimes can take us days to reach out. We appreciate you being patience.

We actually have plans to implement Ubooquity Streaming at some point, but we don’t have a concrete time frame for it. Even though it would be a really cool feature, not all of our users have a Ubooquity server, and implement streaming would require a considerable amount of work. For the moment, we are giving more priority to other features.

Said that, we would love to have this feature and might be something we could consider adding in the upcoming months. Can’t guarantee though.


@dani Nice to hear that you’re thinking of it. I’m also a user of Ubooquity, and bought pro specifically for Ubooquity support. I would really like this feature.


Just came here to upvote this idea of deeper integration with Ubooquity. Would basically give the app a user-controlled, server-side component for library management. I used to use YACRreader which has a nice desktop app for this but Panels is a far superior reading experience.


Another vote for Ubooquity streaming!


Just bought Premium. I’d like to add my vote for this feature. :smiley:


Also would like to add my vote here. Thanks

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I would also to cast my vote not just for Ubooquity Streaming, but page streaming in general since I use Komga. I have a big library, importing everything to my iPad takes too much space, streaming is the ideal solution.


@panels any update on this feature? With broader OPDS support you’ve added (thanks!) it makes this feature even more interesting.

Vote for Komga streaming :wink:


Anything new on this front? I know Chunky comic reader had an app in testflight only that had streaming available. Was very cool to see your whole collection and pick any book without downloading it to the device. But it seems like he might of abandoned the project or just didnt have time for it so development stopped for it. Love Panels though so many great features, superior over all other comic apps. Streaming books would be the great.

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It’s still on our roadmap and will definitely come (hopefully this year). But our current OPDS integration is quite basic and, from the UX standpoint, enabling streaming from the file importer wouldn’t work.

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