Twitter page for the app

Please create a twitter panels account (@PanelsApp) for example entirely devoted to support and provide real-time information on updates, bugs, problems have casual chats with the team way to make the application even more known since most of the people nowadays use this social network as a way of obtaining information would be something parallel to the forum and separate from the company’s account that really makes it stand out.

Thanks for the suggestion @Baconnaise

It would be cool indeed. But, to be honest, it would require a lot of time. Having an active Twitter account is not just a matter of answering people, but posting a lot of content. As you might know, Panels is not our main occupation and we spend most of our spare time maintaining and improving the app, and also responding all of our users’ emails and posts in the forum.
We think is better for all if we focus our efforts on this Forum and working on the app.


Hi Dani… I have a few suggestions:

0/ I wouldn’t use twitter, it’s WAY too chaotic and time intensive. You’ll never get a break. Pleas focus on the forum:

1/ Please pin some posts to the top of this forum with any info that should already be known or read first by users. This might include:

  • welcome
  • current version issues and bugs. Might cut down on “we know” replies.
  • please pin the post about TestFlight

2/ please tell use how you should be contacted. You have this forum linked inside the app, but for beta do you prefer TestFlight email or to use the forum? Is there a preferred order of contact?

3/ i suggest you might want to also make a Beta forum topic, also with some pinned posts. Stable and Beta should have their own topics to avoid confusion.

I understand that having too many points of contact takes a lot of time. If the forum is preferred Then I won’t email you guys and just post here.

— Leo (used to triage bugs)