Tap page turn delay

Hi! I think Panels is bar none the best comic reading app on iOS, but I have exactly one small gripe: page turning using taps has a very noticeable delay. As far as I understand (could be wrong) the delay is intentional to detect double-tap gesture, but even with double-tap speed set to fast I feel the delay is extremely noticeable and the whole reading experience feels very unresponsive as a result. I realize that it’s probably a very niche issue, since I didn’t find a single thread addressing it. But I’ll still venture to ask if it would be possible to implement option to disable double-tap gesture entirely so that single taps could be instant.

I’m having the same issue! I only ever zoom using the “pinch” gesture, so it would be great to have a single tap on the side of the page immediately turn the page (without animation).

I’ve gotten pretty close to this experience by disabling animations, but there’s still a noticeable delay when turning pages with a single tap.

Would it be possible to disable waiting for the double tap as well?

We will release a new Testflight with some tweaks in this regard.
We have added the option to disable the double tap and reduced some delays that Apple’s components add by default.

But keep in mind that the readers have so many interactions that there will always be a slight delay between your tap on the screen and when the reader starts switching pages. Otherwise, the tap gesture would interfere with the swipe.
I’ve measured it, and UIKit takes about 450ms to resolve the gesture. I don’t think we can go lower than that without building our own gesture recognizers, which is out of our scope right now.

I’ll publish the Testflight later today. Give it a try and let us know if it makes any difference for you.