Strange issue with manga not displaying the first few pages

Hi Panels support,

I’ve got this unusual issue where some manga that gets imported into Panels, fails to show the first couple of pages (so the front cover and then a few pages after that). I can see that they do exist if I unpack the cbz file, so I’m not entirely sure what is causing the issue for panels.

I can provide a link to the file in question if you have the time to have a look at this issue.


Absolutely, yes please. That would be very helpful. Please send it to me by DM or to . I’ll look into it.

DM sent to you Dani. Thanks.

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I found and fixed the issue. Many thanks for the file :raised_hands:


The problem was that # in some file names. Panels was omitting it and the sortable name was becoming - c0603 (v07) instead of - c060 3 (v07), making some pages appear in the wrong position.

I’ll upload another Testflight today, which should fix this issue.
(Heads up, we just released 3.4.1 (202404051122). That one does not include the fix. The fix will be in a newer one)

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Many thanks Dani for looking into and fixing the issue.

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