Problem connecting to OneDrive

I get this error–

Service Error
The operation couldn’t be completed. (MSALErrorDomain error -50000.)

The retry button doesn’t do anything.

Hi @arun279

We’ve checked our error logs and we found some errors like this one:
{ "NSError.MSALErrorDomain" = { MSALErrorDescriptionKey = "Multiple accounts found in cache."; MSALInternalErrorCodeKey = "-42102"; }; NSLocalizedDescription = "The operation couldn\U2019t be completed. (MSALErrorDomain error -50000.)"; }.

Can you tell us a bit more about your use case/account so we can understand the problem a bit better?
Do you have multiple accounts associated with the same email? or have you been switching between accounts?

Maybe we are missing something and we need to improve the multiple accounts support.