PDF are rendered in low resolution

Hi. I must say I love your app. The UI and collection management features are superb and top what can be found in your competitors. I must say the only issue I have encountered is related to PDF files. Since not all documents I read are in CBR/CBZ files but in PDFs I want to also manage them inside Panels.
The problem is related that PDF pages are rendered as images and even at full page view the text is not crisp. When zooming the image is not re-rendered and you see blurry pixels.

Do you plan to do more fully fledged PDF support?
Or maybe adding an option for alternative (slower but more accurate) PDF renderer would be a good solution?

Yes, we are planning to improve PDF support. Hopefully, this year.
At the moment, as you correctly describe, we are rendering PDF pages as images because our current reader only supports images. Our plan is to rewrite our reader so we can render any type of content and, with that, use a native PDF renderer view instead of pre-rendered images.

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Thank you for the reply, that really sounds great. I will be looking forward to it. I also hope it will be easy to incorporate it give the fact that the iOS provides really good SDK support for PDFs, like e.g. [PDFView](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/pdfkit/pdfview) that developers can easily use in their apps to render them in a way it is done across the whole iOS.
Keeping fingers crossed.

As it been done now ?


Yes, we added native PDF rendering quite a while ago.

Is that fix deployed to a recent release?

I’m on 3.4.0 and my PDFs are still pretty darn slow to load.

Send us some of those PDF files to support@panels.app, and we’ll give them a look to see if there’s anything we can do.

Thanks, I’ve sent the email.

I’ve noticed recently that PDF covers are low resolution until you open the book, at which point it renders fully.
Manually rebuilding the cover for each individual book seems to fix it, but it’s a bit tedious if you have a large library.