Panels 3.4.4 OPDS retains streamed content

I recently purchased Panels to use its OPDS capability–but noticed that streamed (not downloaded) content remain on my ipad (after reading through several volumes, I noticed via General > iPad Storage > Panels that what started as the app (under 100 MB), quickly grew to 28GB (documents & data).

Is there a way to flush this? (deleting and reinstalling works but obviously, that’s not ideal)

Thank you so much for any information and support!


We will look into this. This is definitely a bug.

Nonetheless, you can clear the caches in the app settings > Manage Space > Clear cache.

Soon we’ll fix this so they are cleared automatically when you finish a comic.

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Thanks so much Dani!
Looking forward to a resolution of this; meanwhile, will try your recommendation of Settings > Panels > Maintenance > Factory Reset (didn’t see the clear cache that you mentioned).
All the best,

It’s in the settings inside the app. Not iOS Settings.

If you’re on iPhone, the most right tab on the tabbar.
If you’re on iPad, tap on the upper right corner menu (your account)

Then Manage Space > Clear cache

Ah, perfect! I missed that, thanks again so much!

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