Mylar 3 OPDS Publishers View Not Working Correctly

I am using Panels 3.6.5 Build : 742 on an iPad Pro running iOS 18.3.

When I select Mylar from Libraries or Import Services, I get 4 choices: Recent Additions, Publishers (133), All Titles (4464), and Read List.

I select Publishers and it opens up the list of Publishers, however, after it lists several Publishers, it begins listing the Comic Titles instead.

So, the list reads about 29 Publishers. Then, for no reason, it starts listing the Comic Titles and seems to drop the rest of the Publishers from the list.

So the entries under Publishers are:

Awesome Comics (1)
Avatar Press(44)
Best Jackett Press (3)
28 Days Later (2009) (comicID:27555)
3 Devils (2016) (comicID: 88909)
3 Floyds: Alpha King (2016) (comicID: 90088)

The list continues that way with all the Comic Titles which is incredibly hard to scroll and review.


I don’t think this is an issue in Panels.

Panels just shows whatever the OPDS returns in the feed. Your Mylar server is generating that feed. It sounds like something to look into on the server side.