Limit to the number of comics that can be stored/imported?

Is there a limit on the number of comics one can have in Panels? I was trying to import my library and Panels stopped recognizing new comics about a third of the way. Panels will import the comics, but it never appears in the collections or library. I’ve tried with both the embedded webserver and iTunes File Sharing

Also, is there a way to remove the Recently Read section or clear it?

Thank you!

Hi @rhpt

Sorry for taking so long on answering :pray:. Last weeks we’ve been on holidays and we are still catching up with everything.

There is no limit to the number of comics that can be imported/stored. Can you tell us how many comics are you trying to import and when did it stop working?
Is there any chance your device ran out of space?

We’ll give it a look anyway. It would be great to know your device model, available space in disk, average comic size (in MB) and the number of comics you are trying to add. That would help us to try to reproduce your scenario.

About the Recently Read section: There is currently no way to do that, but we are going to revamp that section completely. The new one will allow, not only remove specific comics from it, but also hide it completely.


I am using a brand new phone with 256GB so space is not the issue. I just deleted the app and reinstalled. It happened again after 103 comics. The 104th comic imports, but then it doesn’t appear in the app. I’ve tried it with the embedded webserver and iTunes File Sharing. Running iOS 12.

Interesting :thinking:

Thanks for all the information! We’ll give it a look asap.