Ipad orientation problem

Hello! First let me say thank you for bringing such a fantastic update for the apps. Missing thumbnails seem to disappear. But I have one problem that is when i rotate my ipad from any orientation to another one. The library fail to fit the screen
Ps. By the way, one of the bugs that make the library “2 columns” look really nice. ( I will send you my screen recording for the problem via email )
Edit1: picture uploading fail
Edit2: I use ipad pro 11 with ios 12.3.1 Panels version 1.10.8

Thanks for the report :ok_hand: we are aware of this bug and will be fixed in the next release. A few versions ago we made some optimizations to make the library scroll smoother, including reducing the number of layout calculations. In that release we broke the re-layout when rotating the device :man_facepalming:

Sorry for the annoyances

@Smartupid How did you get a two-column view?

That’s actually a bug, but it actually looks great :sweat_smile:

We are considering it for iPad in landscape mode.

I would love that. I read almost exclusively on my 12.9 inch iPad, FYI.

I’m happy to let you know that two columns mode in landscape iPad is coming in the next release. It should be available in the next couple of days.

Just got the new beta and the next page loading improvements are fast!!!


@smellythief sorry for not replying. I haven’t logged in for a while. but I think you might have the new update with the two columns by now and it really does look great on ipad lol.

@dani Thank you so much, the new update works really great on the orientation.
the missing cover problem seems to occasionally happen (although it doesnt bother me that much). If I find out how to reproduce the bug, I will inform you ASAP🙂.