Imported comics take up double the space

I just purchased Panels 3 and am loving the app! The only issue I noticed is all the .cbr files I’ve imported from my OneDrive seem to take up double the space. I have a 5GB file (big omnibus) and after importing it goes into both the On My iPad folder and Documents folder. If I delete it from one place it deletes from the other as well. Going into settings and looking at how much space is being used it says 10GB. Is there a way to import without it taking up double the space?

Can you send us some screenshots so we can understand the problem better?

I’m not sure I understand where the file is being stored and where you see the space being used.

I figured this out (at least for me), when you use the import function from Panels the files can become invisible and take up space but you can’t find or delete them. I moved my comic files to a separate folder in Files then deleted and redownloaded Panels, then I only used Files to transfer comics into the Panels folder. Doing this made it so there was no space discrepancy. I think the import function didn’t work on cbz files for me but did for cbr.

Interesting. I doubt they are taking double the space indefinitely. But it’s plausible that importing it through Panels could leave some leftovers in the temporary folder, which would take up space until they are cleared out. iOS deletes the temporary folders frequently under disk space pressure and also cache, when needed.

I’ll double-check to see if we are not deleting temporary folders immediately after import, and hopefully, that will solve the issue.

If that’s happening, that space is only being taken virtually. As soon as the device needs space, it will make room for it. Nonetheless, I’ll make sure to clear it out for your peace of mind :wink: .