Feature Request: OPDS: Option to display in order presented by server

For the window that pops up from “Import Services” → [My OPDS server name], it would be nice if, once we entered a folder, we had the option of sorting in the order presented by the server, rather than having Panels sort it alphabetically.

My OPDS server (Komga) presents folders like “Latest Series” and “Latest Books”, which actually contain all series and books, but ordered by most recently updated. These folders are meaningless when Panels re-orders the contents alphabetically.

Thanks for the feedback

We will add the option to keep the server order / alphabetical. :+1:


Is there any update on this? Now my OPDS libraries don’t allow import (only stream), and my import services show the latest books in alphabetical order. There’s no way for me to download my most recent books anymore without manually finding them each in the folders, making OPDS useless to me.

Hey @Raven

Sorry for dropping the ball. This should have been fixed long ago but it fell through the cracks.
Today I fixed it and it will be in the next version, which we are aiming to release very soon.

We didn’t add any options to manually change the sorting criteria (we might add this in the future). But OPDS feeds will always be rendered in the server order.

@Raven I’m curious about this, though

Now my OPDS libraries don’t allow import (only stream),

Can you share more information? what OPDS server are you using? Feel free to contact us at support@panels.app and we will investigate this issue.

Hi @dani, thanks so much for the upcoming fix! The change isn’t with my OPDS, it’s with a recent version of the iPadOS app. I’m beta testing in TestFlight, and a recent version stopped me from allowing me to “copy to my iPad”. I stopped using the TestFlight version and started using the one in the App Store because 2.13.8 allows me to copy comics to my iPad but 2.13.9 doesn’t. I also can’t downgrade a version in TestFlight because of the “this beta has ended” pop up.

The old way that I would import files would be Libraries > My Library > Recent Additions and then “copy to iPad” but with 2.13.9, I can no longer copy, and without the ordering fix I couldn’t load my Recent Additions in order in the Import Services.

Looks like your change is live in TestFlight, and I can use Import Services again now that the ordering has been restored! Thanks!

Just tested this in the TestFlight release; works like a champ!

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That is super weird :thinking:

It works just fine to me.

Could you create a testing account for us so we can access your server and debug what’s going on?

We don’t need access to your whole library. A couple of files would do it.

The download/copy to my iPhone/iPad options appears when the OPDS entry has an acquisition field. Also, if it works on the importers, it should also work in the OPDS library :confused:

I wish I could allow you to test on them, but they’re local http servers so you wouldn’t be able to connect because of the https requirements. I’m using the Mylar and Komga OPDS servers.

It actually looks like it’s all working again. Could be the newest version