Not sure if this has been discussed before, I did try to search for it.
The suggestion here is to make the Collections view independent to the individual comics view.
At the moment, if I change the collections view to cover view (so I can enjoy the gorgeous artwork), the individual comics within the collection also becomes cover view and we then cannot read the titles.
Vice versa, if I switch the comics view to list, the collections also become a list with small images for cover artwork.
I would be quite concerned about the complexity a feature like that would bring. It would require a new user interface to select the visualization mode per collection.
But I think that we could reduce the problem down to this
and we then cannot read the titles
And that might have an easier solution. We’ll give this a look and see if we can allow the titles to show multiple lines of text without breaking the design. I think that might solve the underlying issue without adding more complexity to the UI.
I think the best way to do it is just to make the elements denoting what a collection is more distinct. Having some hastily piled on comics to denote a collection with not much on the text below distinguishing it from an issue on an already visually cluttered grid is the one causing problems.