Feature request: Dropbox folder sync

Hi Panels Team

Just dl’ed your app and wanted to import my collection from dropbox. Since I’m migrating from SideBooks, I have my collection organized in folders and subfolders, eg.

      |— Star Wars 
      |—|— Crimson Empire
      |—|—|— Issue 01.cbz

and my collection is ‘uuuuuuge.
When I go to the Dropbox sync feature, it seems to only allow me to select individual comic files, and not folders.
This boils down to my feature request: please add the option of selecting a single dropbox folder and have your app traverse through it to find the files, and maybe better yet, also organise the files according to the folder structure in my dropbox.
Could also be that I’m overlooking some obvious way of achieving the dropbox sync on a folder?