Calibre Server Setup

Hi All.

Perhaps this is a question for a Calibre forum too, but how exactly do you set it up so Panels and Calibre talk to each other please?

A little dismayed at the actual setup process on Panel’s side having technical jargon which I have no clue about.

Hey Nicholas

I’m happy to resolve any specific questions that you have. However, setting up the connection requires a tiny amount of technical knowledge. I’ll help you out if you need it.

Calibre and Panels can connect using the OPDS protocol. First of all, you have to make sure to enable OPDS on your Calibre instance.

here’s another thread in this forum where I explained how to connect to Calibre

Let me know if you have any questions.

Hi dani,

This did not help unfortunately.

I get a popup error message which reads “Unable to find Server”

(Panels.OPDSServerServiceError error 8.)

I’m happy to help by answering concrete questions, but I don’t have enough information about your network setup.

That error means there is no connectivity between Panels and your OPDS server.
I would start by ensuring you can see the XML OPDS feed on your Safari web browser. If you can see the feed on Safari, Panels should be able to see it too.

Hi “danny”

Firstly, I do not appreciate the condescending tone and please spell my name correctly, so to begin with please sort that out (it’s not nice is it Danielle?). You’re representing the company/app and doing so pejoratively in my experience so far.

“I’m happy to help by answering concrete questions” is very funny indeed. Especially when you’re yet to resolve the original question.
In both posts, as an example, there is no mention that you would have to do it via the Connect Service option which to a new user, is not explicitly clear; something I feel should have been mentioned within the response to my question “how exactly do you set it up”. For a new customer to your app, when asking how you do something on the app, I feel it would have been good to provide the standardised steps within your app rather than referring to your previous support on a different query.

Constructive criticism aside; since the original advice you gave was to redirect me to instructions on another forum post, I have updated you that those instructions/steps within that post are not working.

I have explained the error message that I am facing when following said instructions.

I am fully aware that an error message which reads “Unable to find server” indicates that there is no connectivity between Panels and my OPDS server, but thank you for clearing that up? Any suggestions on a work around would have been good mind you.

I will attach an image below which is the XML feed, visible on desktop. When I input the same url on Safari, as per your instructions in that post, it has the following pop-up:
“Cannot Open Page
This is a link to an RSS feed. Would you like to search the App Store for apps that can display RSS feeds?” with the cta buttons to Cancel or Search.

This is the same as your image within that other forum post, where you explicitly say “Safari should show an error message like this…If you don’t, it means both devices can’t see each other and you have a local network configuration problem”.

Since I can see this error message which you have described as expected, but Panels is still unable to pick up the feed, could you please inform me other possible steps to troubleshoot?

Hopefully you’ll be happy to help, given this post, and that question, was more than concrete enough for you.