I am having sync issues between my panels app on the iPhone and the iPad
In the app, I have logged into the same apple id on both devices.
I have imported the same files into both devices.
But when I read on one device, it does not pick up the progress on the other app.
Please advise
September 25, 2024, 2:34pm
Continuing the discussion about the reading progress syncing issue from Can I store my comics in icloud? - #9 by victor
@Ivan_Belousov @rincewind could you folks try changing your profile image in Panels? Does it work? I’m trying to understand if it’s the issue is only with the reading progress service, or communicating with the backend at all.
Hi there, I have just tried changing my profile pic and name in Panels. I did it on my iPhone then I checked on my iPad, on my iPad none of the changes are applied. Also, I noticed that if I log out and log back in my name gets reset to default.
Hi @dani , thank you for the response
So between posting and before seeing your response, I changed the login method from apple to Google, in the hopes that it would work. It was still the same.
After reading your response just now, I went into the iPad app, and changed the profile picture. The change in profile picture doesn’t reflect on the iphone app.
September 26, 2024, 10:17am
Thanks for all the info!!
Are you folks using iCloud’s Private Relay?
I found this issue in Firebase’s SDK repo where it looks like some iOS versions are blocking some requests.
opened 02:49PM - 15 Dec 23 UTC
closed 06:06PM - 22 Dec 23 UTC
api: auth
### Description
When the user signs in or otherwise sends a request to… interact with Firestore, the request is denied. Here is what the user sees. This is what they see with their private relay setting turned on
<img src="https://github.com/firebase/firebase-ios-sdk/assets/37915005/e5d7b79d-1349-4840-b0dd-718b0d140d1c" width="200" />
<img src="https://github.com/firebase/firebase-ios-sdk/assets/37915005/362f8c47-38cb-4bdc-9ff3-af68ded4f9f2" width="200" />
Login requests and firestore requests to not be blocked by the server
### Reproducing the issue
N/A I am unable to reproduce the issue. It seems to only pop up on my client's wifi network. Once he disables his network, the app functions properly. An important note: __Other apps work just fine on their network.__
### Firebase SDK Version
### Xcode Version
### Installation Method
### Firebase Product(s)
Authentication, Firestore
### Targeted Platforms
### Relevant Log Output
_No response_
### If using Swift Package Manager, the project's Package.resolved
<summary>Expand <code>Package.resolved</code> snippet</summary>
Replace this line with the contents of your Package.resolved.
### If using CocoaPods, the project's Podfile.lock
<summary>Expand <code>Podfile.lock</code> snippet</summary>
- abseil/algorithm (1.20220623.0):
- abseil/algorithm/algorithm (= 1.20220623.0)
- abseil/algorithm/container (= 1.20220623.0)
- abseil/algorithm/algorithm (1.20220623.0):
- abseil/base/config
- abseil/algorithm/container (1.20220623.0):
- abseil/algorithm/algorithm
- abseil/base/core_headers
- abseil/meta/type_traits
- abseil/base (1.20220623.0):
- abseil/base/atomic_hook (= 1.20220623.0)
- abseil/base/base (= 1.20220623.0)
- abseil/base/base_internal (= 1.20220623.0)
- abseil/base/config (= 1.20220623.0)
- abseil/base/core_headers (= 1.20220623.0)
- abseil/base/dynamic_annotations (= 1.20220623.0)
- abseil/base/endian (= 1.20220623.0)
- abseil/base/errno_saver (= 1.20220623.0)
- abseil/base/fast_type_id (= 1.20220623.0)
- abseil/base/log_severity (= 1.20220623.0)
- abseil/base/malloc_internal (= 1.20220623.0)
- abseil/base/prefetch (= 1.20220623.0)
- abseil/base/pretty_function (= 1.20220623.0)
- abseil/base/raw_logging_internal (= 1.20220623.0)
- abseil/base/spinlock_wait (= 1.20220623.0)
- abseil/base/strerror (= 1.20220623.0)
- abseil/base/throw_delegate (= 1.20220623.0)
- abseil/base/atomic_hook (1.20220623.0):
- abseil/base/config
- abseil/base/core_headers
- abseil/base/base (1.20220623.0):
- abseil/base/atomic_hook
- abseil/base/base_internal
- abseil/base/config
- abseil/base/core_headers
- abseil/base/dynamic_annotations
- abseil/base/log_severity
- abseil/base/raw_logging_internal
- abseil/base/spinlock_wait
- abseil/meta/type_traits
- abseil/base/base_internal (1.20220623.0):
- abseil/base/config
- abseil/meta/type_traits
- abseil/base/config (1.20220623.0)
- abseil/base/core_headers (1.20220623.0):
- abseil/base/config
- abseil/base/dynamic_annotations (1.20220623.0):
- abseil/base/config
- abseil/base/core_headers
- abseil/base/endian (1.20220623.0):
- abseil/base/base
- abseil/base/config
- abseil/base/core_headers
- abseil/base/errno_saver (1.20220623.0):
- abseil/base/config
- abseil/base/fast_type_id (1.20220623.0):
- abseil/base/config
- abseil/base/log_severity (1.20220623.0):
- abseil/base/config
- abseil/base/core_headers
- abseil/base/malloc_internal (1.20220623.0):
- abseil/base/base
- abseil/base/base_internal
- abseil/base/config
- abseil/base/core_headers
- abseil/base/dynamic_annotations
- abseil/base/raw_logging_internal
- abseil/base/prefetch (1.20220623.0):
- abseil/base/config
- abseil/base/pretty_function (1.20220623.0)
- abseil/base/raw_logging_internal (1.20220623.0):
- abseil/base/atomic_hook
- abseil/base/config
- abseil/base/core_headers
- abseil/base/errno_saver
- abseil/base/log_severity
- abseil/base/spinlock_wait (1.20220623.0):
- abseil/base/base_internal
- abseil/base/core_headers
- abseil/base/errno_saver
- abseil/base/strerror (1.20220623.0):
- abseil/base/config
- abseil/base/core_headers
- abseil/base/errno_saver
- abseil/base/throw_delegate (1.20220623.0):
- abseil/base/config
- abseil/base/raw_logging_internal
- abseil/cleanup/cleanup (1.20220623.0):
- abseil/base/config
- abseil/base/core_headers
- abseil/cleanup/cleanup_internal
- abseil/cleanup/cleanup_internal (1.20220623.0):
- abseil/base/base_internal
- abseil/base/core_headers
- abseil/utility/utility
- abseil/container/common (1.20220623.0):
- abseil/meta/type_traits
- abseil/types/optional
- abseil/container/compressed_tuple (1.20220623.0):
- abseil/utility/utility
- abseil/container/container_memory (1.20220623.0):
- abseil/base/config
- abseil/memory/memory
- abseil/meta/type_traits
- abseil/utility/utility
- abseil/container/fixed_array (1.20220623.0):
- abseil/algorithm/algorithm
- abseil/base/config
- abseil/base/core_headers
- abseil/base/dynamic_annotations
- abseil/base/throw_delegate
- abseil/container/compressed_tuple
- abseil/memory/memory
- abseil/container/flat_hash_map (1.20220623.0):
- abseil/algorithm/container
- abseil/base/core_headers
- abseil/container/container_memory
- abseil/container/hash_function_defaults
- abseil/container/raw_hash_map
- abseil/memory/memory
- abseil/container/flat_hash_set (1.20220623.0):
- abseil/algorithm/container
- abseil/base/core_headers
- abseil/container/container_memory
- abseil/container/hash_function_defaults
- abseil/container/raw_hash_set
- abseil/memory/memory
- abseil/container/hash_function_defaults (1.20220623.0):
- abseil/base/config
- abseil/hash/hash
- abseil/strings/cord
- abseil/strings/strings
- abseil/container/hash_policy_traits (1.20220623.0):
- abseil/meta/type_traits
- abseil/container/hashtable_debug_hooks (1.20220623.0):
- abseil/base/config
- abseil/container/hashtablez_sampler (1.20220623.0):
- abseil/base/base
- abseil/base/config
- abseil/base/core_headers
- abseil/debugging/stacktrace
- abseil/memory/memory
- abseil/profiling/exponential_biased
- abseil/profiling/sample_recorder
- abseil/synchronization/synchronization
- abseil/utility/utility
- abseil/container/inlined_vector (1.20220623.0):
- abseil/algorithm/algorithm
- abseil/base/core_headers
- abseil/base/throw_delegate
- abseil/container/inlined_vector_internal
- abseil/memory/memory
- abseil/container/inlined_vector_internal (1.20220623.0):
- abseil/base/core_headers
- abseil/container/compressed_tuple
- abseil/memory/memory
- abseil/meta/type_traits
- abseil/types/span
- abseil/container/layout (1.20220623.0):
- abseil/base/config
- abseil/base/core_headers
- abseil/meta/type_traits
- abseil/strings/strings
- abseil/types/span
- abseil/utility/utility
- abseil/container/raw_hash_map (1.20220623.0):
- abseil/base/throw_delegate
- abseil/container/container_memory
- abseil/container/raw_hash_set
- abseil/container/raw_hash_set (1.20220623.0):
- abseil/base/config
- abseil/base/core_headers
- abseil/base/endian
- abseil/base/prefetch
- abseil/container/common
- abseil/container/compressed_tuple
- abseil/container/container_memory
- abseil/container/hash_policy_traits
- abseil/container/hashtable_debug_hooks
- abseil/container/hashtablez_sampler
- abseil/memory/memory
- abseil/meta/type_traits
- abseil/numeric/bits
- abseil/utility/utility
- abseil/debugging/debugging_internal (1.20220623.0):
- abseil/base/config
- abseil/base/core_headers
- abseil/base/dynamic_annotations
- abseil/base/errno_saver
- abseil/base/raw_logging_internal
- abseil/debugging/demangle_internal (1.20220623.0):
- abseil/base/base
- abseil/base/config
- abseil/base/core_headers
- abseil/debugging/stacktrace (1.20220623.0):
- abseil/base/config
- abseil/base/core_headers
- abseil/debugging/debugging_internal
- abseil/debugging/symbolize (1.20220623.0):
- abseil/base/base
- abseil/base/config
- abseil/base/core_headers
- abseil/base/dynamic_annotations
- abseil/base/malloc_internal
- abseil/base/raw_logging_internal
- abseil/debugging/debugging_internal
- abseil/debugging/demangle_internal
- abseil/strings/strings
- abseil/functional/any_invocable (1.20220623.0):
- abseil/base/base_internal
- abseil/base/config
- abseil/base/core_headers
- abseil/meta/type_traits
- abseil/utility/utility
- abseil/functional/bind_front (1.20220623.0):
- abseil/base/base_internal
- abseil/container/compressed_tuple
- abseil/meta/type_traits
- abseil/utility/utility
- abseil/functional/function_ref (1.20220623.0):
- abseil/base/base_internal
- abseil/base/core_headers
- abseil/meta/type_traits
- abseil/hash/city (1.20220623.0):
- abseil/base/config
- abseil/base/core_headers
- abseil/base/endian
- abseil/hash/hash (1.20220623.0):
- abseil/base/config
- abseil/base/core_headers
- abseil/base/endian
- abseil/container/fixed_array
- abseil/functional/function_ref
- abseil/hash/city
- abseil/hash/low_level_hash
- abseil/meta/type_traits
- abseil/numeric/int128
- abseil/strings/strings
- abseil/types/optional
- abseil/types/variant
- abseil/utility/utility
- abseil/hash/low_level_hash (1.20220623.0):
- abseil/base/config
- abseil/base/endian
- abseil/numeric/bits
- abseil/numeric/int128
- abseil/memory (1.20220623.0):
- abseil/memory/memory (= 1.20220623.0)
- abseil/memory/memory (1.20220623.0):
- abseil/base/core_headers
- abseil/meta/type_traits
- abseil/meta (1.20220623.0):
- abseil/meta/type_traits (= 1.20220623.0)
- abseil/meta/type_traits (1.20220623.0):
- abseil/base/config
- abseil/numeric/bits (1.20220623.0):
- abseil/base/config
- abseil/base/core_headers
- abseil/numeric/int128 (1.20220623.0):
- abseil/base/config
- abseil/base/core_headers
- abseil/numeric/bits
- abseil/numeric/representation (1.20220623.0):
- abseil/base/config
- abseil/profiling/exponential_biased (1.20220623.0):
- abseil/base/config
- abseil/base/core_headers
- abseil/profiling/sample_recorder (1.20220623.0):
- abseil/base/config
- abseil/base/core_headers
- abseil/synchronization/synchronization
- abseil/time/time
- abseil/random/distributions (1.20220623.0):
- abseil/base/base_internal
- abseil/base/config
- abseil/base/core_headers
- abseil/meta/type_traits
- abseil/numeric/bits
- abseil/random/internal/distribution_caller
- abseil/random/internal/fast_uniform_bits
- abseil/random/internal/fastmath
- abseil/random/internal/generate_real
- abseil/random/internal/iostream_state_saver
- abseil/random/internal/traits
- abseil/random/internal/uniform_helper
- abseil/random/internal/wide_multiply
- abseil/strings/strings
- abseil/random/internal/distribution_caller (1.20220623.0):
- abseil/base/config
- abseil/base/fast_type_id
- abseil/utility/utility
- abseil/random/internal/fast_uniform_bits (1.20220623.0):
- abseil/base/config
- abseil/meta/type_traits
- abseil/random/internal/traits
- abseil/random/internal/fastmath (1.20220623.0):
- abseil/numeric/bits
- abseil/random/internal/generate_real (1.20220623.0):
- abseil/meta/type_traits
- abseil/numeric/bits
- abseil/random/internal/fastmath
- abseil/random/internal/traits
- abseil/random/internal/iostream_state_saver (1.20220623.0):
- abseil/meta/type_traits
- abseil/numeric/int128
- abseil/random/internal/nonsecure_base (1.20220623.0):
- abseil/base/core_headers
- abseil/container/inlined_vector
- abseil/meta/type_traits
- abseil/random/internal/pool_urbg
- abseil/random/internal/salted_seed_seq
- abseil/random/internal/seed_material
- abseil/types/span
- abseil/random/internal/pcg_engine (1.20220623.0):
- abseil/base/config
- abseil/meta/type_traits
- abseil/numeric/bits
- abseil/numeric/int128
- abseil/random/internal/fastmath
- abseil/random/internal/iostream_state_saver
- abseil/random/internal/platform (1.20220623.0):
- abseil/base/config
- abseil/random/internal/pool_urbg (1.20220623.0):
- abseil/base/base
- abseil/base/config
- abseil/base/core_headers
- abseil/base/endian
- abseil/base/raw_logging_internal
- abseil/random/internal/randen
- abseil/random/internal/seed_material
- abseil/random/internal/traits
- abseil/random/seed_gen_exception
- abseil/types/span
- abseil/random/internal/randen (1.20220623.0):
- abseil/base/raw_logging_internal
- abseil/random/internal/platform
- abseil/random/internal/randen_hwaes
- abseil/random/internal/randen_slow
- abseil/random/internal/randen_engine (1.20220623.0):
- abseil/base/endian
- abseil/meta/type_traits
- abseil/random/internal/iostream_state_saver
- abseil/random/internal/randen
- abseil/random/internal/randen_hwaes (1.20220623.0):
- abseil/base/config
- abseil/random/internal/platform
- abseil/random/internal/randen_hwaes_impl
- abseil/random/internal/randen_hwaes_impl (1.20220623.0):
- abseil/base/config
- abseil/base/core_headers
- abseil/numeric/int128
- abseil/random/internal/platform
- abseil/random/internal/randen_slow (1.20220623.0):
- abseil/base/config
- abseil/base/core_headers
- abseil/base/endian
- abseil/numeric/int128
- abseil/random/internal/platform
- abseil/random/internal/salted_seed_seq (1.20220623.0):
- abseil/container/inlined_vector
- abseil/meta/type_traits
- abseil/random/internal/seed_material
- abseil/types/optional
- abseil/types/span
- abseil/random/internal/seed_material (1.20220623.0):
- abseil/base/core_headers
- abseil/base/dynamic_annotations
- abseil/base/raw_logging_internal
- abseil/random/internal/fast_uniform_bits
- abseil/strings/strings
- abseil/types/optional
- abseil/types/span
- abseil/random/internal/traits (1.20220623.0):
- abseil/base/config
- abseil/numeric/bits
- abseil/numeric/int128
- abseil/random/internal/uniform_helper (1.20220623.0):
- abseil/base/config
- abseil/meta/type_traits
- abseil/numeric/int128
- abseil/random/internal/traits
- abseil/random/internal/wide_multiply (1.20220623.0):
- abseil/base/config
- abseil/numeric/bits
- abseil/numeric/int128
- abseil/random/internal/traits
- abseil/random/random (1.20220623.0):
- abseil/random/distributions
- abseil/random/internal/nonsecure_base
- abseil/random/internal/pcg_engine
- abseil/random/internal/pool_urbg
- abseil/random/internal/randen_engine
- abseil/random/seed_sequences
- abseil/random/seed_gen_exception (1.20220623.0):
- abseil/base/config
- abseil/random/seed_sequences (1.20220623.0):
- abseil/base/config
- abseil/random/internal/pool_urbg
- abseil/random/internal/salted_seed_seq
- abseil/random/internal/seed_material
- abseil/random/seed_gen_exception
- abseil/types/span
- abseil/status/status (1.20220623.0):
- abseil/base/atomic_hook
- abseil/base/core_headers
- abseil/base/raw_logging_internal
- abseil/base/strerror
- abseil/container/inlined_vector
- abseil/debugging/stacktrace
- abseil/debugging/symbolize
- abseil/functional/function_ref
- abseil/strings/cord
- abseil/strings/str_format
- abseil/strings/strings
- abseil/types/optional
- abseil/status/statusor (1.20220623.0):
- abseil/base/base
- abseil/base/core_headers
- abseil/base/raw_logging_internal
- abseil/meta/type_traits
- abseil/status/status
- abseil/strings/strings
- abseil/types/variant
- abseil/utility/utility
- abseil/strings/cord (1.20220623.0):
- abseil/base/base
- abseil/base/config
- abseil/base/core_headers
- abseil/base/endian
- abseil/base/raw_logging_internal
- abseil/container/fixed_array
- abseil/container/inlined_vector
- abseil/functional/function_ref
- abseil/meta/type_traits
- abseil/numeric/bits
- abseil/strings/cord_internal
- abseil/strings/cordz_functions
- abseil/strings/cordz_info
- abseil/strings/cordz_statistics
- abseil/strings/cordz_update_scope
- abseil/strings/cordz_update_tracker
- abseil/strings/internal
- abseil/strings/str_format
- abseil/strings/strings
- abseil/types/optional
- abseil/types/span
- abseil/strings/cord_internal (1.20220623.0):
- abseil/base/base_internal
- abseil/base/config
- abseil/base/core_headers
- abseil/base/endian
- abseil/base/raw_logging_internal
- abseil/base/throw_delegate
- abseil/container/compressed_tuple
- abseil/container/inlined_vector
- abseil/container/layout
- abseil/functional/function_ref
- abseil/meta/type_traits
- abseil/strings/strings
- abseil/types/span
- abseil/strings/cordz_functions (1.20220623.0):
- abseil/base/config
- abseil/base/core_headers
- abseil/base/raw_logging_internal
- abseil/profiling/exponential_biased
- abseil/strings/cordz_handle (1.20220623.0):
- abseil/base/base
- abseil/base/config
- abseil/base/raw_logging_internal
- abseil/synchronization/synchronization
- abseil/strings/cordz_info (1.20220623.0):
- abseil/base/base
- abseil/base/config
- abseil/base/core_headers
- abseil/base/raw_logging_internal
- abseil/container/inlined_vector
- abseil/debugging/stacktrace
- abseil/strings/cord_internal
- abseil/strings/cordz_functions
- abseil/strings/cordz_handle
- abseil/strings/cordz_statistics
- abseil/strings/cordz_update_tracker
- abseil/synchronization/synchronization
- abseil/types/span
- abseil/strings/cordz_statistics (1.20220623.0):
- abseil/base/config
- abseil/strings/cordz_update_tracker
- abseil/strings/cordz_update_scope (1.20220623.0):
- abseil/base/config
- abseil/base/core_headers
- abseil/strings/cord_internal
- abseil/strings/cordz_info
- abseil/strings/cordz_update_tracker
- abseil/strings/cordz_update_tracker (1.20220623.0):
- abseil/base/config
- abseil/strings/internal (1.20220623.0):
- abseil/base/config
- abseil/base/core_headers
- abseil/base/endian
- abseil/base/raw_logging_internal
- abseil/meta/type_traits
- abseil/strings/str_format (1.20220623.0):
- abseil/strings/str_format_internal
- abseil/strings/str_format_internal (1.20220623.0):
- abseil/base/config
- abseil/base/core_headers
- abseil/functional/function_ref
- abseil/meta/type_traits
- abseil/numeric/bits
- abseil/numeric/int128
- abseil/numeric/representation
- abseil/strings/strings
- abseil/types/optional
- abseil/types/span
- abseil/utility/utility
- abseil/strings/strings (1.20220623.0):
- abseil/base/base
- abseil/base/config
- abseil/base/core_headers
- abseil/base/endian
- abseil/base/raw_logging_internal
- abseil/base/throw_delegate
- abseil/memory/memory
- abseil/meta/type_traits
- abseil/numeric/bits
- abseil/numeric/int128
- abseil/strings/internal
- abseil/synchronization/graphcycles_internal (1.20220623.0):
- abseil/base/base
- abseil/base/base_internal
- abseil/base/config
- abseil/base/core_headers
- abseil/base/malloc_internal
- abseil/base/raw_logging_internal
- abseil/synchronization/kernel_timeout_internal (1.20220623.0):
- abseil/base/core_headers
- abseil/base/raw_logging_internal
- abseil/time/time
- abseil/synchronization/synchronization (1.20220623.0):
- abseil/base/atomic_hook
- abseil/base/base
- abseil/base/base_internal
- abseil/base/config
- abseil/base/core_headers
- abseil/base/dynamic_annotations
- abseil/base/malloc_internal
- abseil/base/raw_logging_internal
- abseil/debugging/stacktrace
- abseil/debugging/symbolize
- abseil/synchronization/graphcycles_internal
- abseil/synchronization/kernel_timeout_internal
- abseil/time/time
- abseil/time (1.20220623.0):
- abseil/time/internal (= 1.20220623.0)
- abseil/time/time (= 1.20220623.0)
- abseil/time/internal (1.20220623.0):
- abseil/time/internal/cctz (= 1.20220623.0)
- abseil/time/internal/cctz (1.20220623.0):
- abseil/time/internal/cctz/civil_time (= 1.20220623.0)
- abseil/time/internal/cctz/time_zone (= 1.20220623.0)
- abseil/time/internal/cctz/civil_time (1.20220623.0):
- abseil/base/config
- abseil/time/internal/cctz/time_zone (1.20220623.0):
- abseil/base/config
- abseil/time/internal/cctz/civil_time
- abseil/time/time (1.20220623.0):
- abseil/base/base
- abseil/base/core_headers
- abseil/base/raw_logging_internal
- abseil/numeric/int128
- abseil/strings/strings
- abseil/time/internal/cctz/civil_time
- abseil/time/internal/cctz/time_zone
- abseil/types (1.20220623.0):
- abseil/types/any (= 1.20220623.0)
- abseil/types/bad_any_cast (= 1.20220623.0)
- abseil/types/bad_any_cast_impl (= 1.20220623.0)
- abseil/types/bad_optional_access (= 1.20220623.0)
- abseil/types/bad_variant_access (= 1.20220623.0)
- abseil/types/compare (= 1.20220623.0)
- abseil/types/optional (= 1.20220623.0)
- abseil/types/span (= 1.20220623.0)
- abseil/types/variant (= 1.20220623.0)
- abseil/types/any (1.20220623.0):
- abseil/base/config
- abseil/base/core_headers
- abseil/base/fast_type_id
- abseil/meta/type_traits
- abseil/types/bad_any_cast
- abseil/utility/utility
- abseil/types/bad_any_cast (1.20220623.0):
- abseil/base/config
- abseil/types/bad_any_cast_impl
- abseil/types/bad_any_cast_impl (1.20220623.0):
- abseil/base/config
- abseil/base/raw_logging_internal
- abseil/types/bad_optional_access (1.20220623.0):
- abseil/base/config
- abseil/base/raw_logging_internal
- abseil/types/bad_variant_access (1.20220623.0):
- abseil/base/config
- abseil/base/raw_logging_internal
- abseil/types/compare (1.20220623.0):
- abseil/base/core_headers
- abseil/meta/type_traits
- abseil/types/optional (1.20220623.0):
- abseil/base/base_internal
- abseil/base/config
- abseil/base/core_headers
- abseil/memory/memory
- abseil/meta/type_traits
- abseil/types/bad_optional_access
- abseil/utility/utility
- abseil/types/span (1.20220623.0):
- abseil/algorithm/algorithm
- abseil/base/core_headers
- abseil/base/throw_delegate
- abseil/meta/type_traits
- abseil/types/variant (1.20220623.0):
- abseil/base/base_internal
- abseil/base/config
- abseil/base/core_headers
- abseil/meta/type_traits
- abseil/types/bad_variant_access
- abseil/utility/utility
- abseil/utility/utility (1.20220623.0):
- abseil/base/base_internal
- abseil/base/config
- abseil/meta/type_traits
- AppAuth (1.6.2):
- AppAuth/Core (= 1.6.2)
- AppAuth/ExternalUserAgent (= 1.6.2)
- AppAuth/Core (1.6.2)
- AppAuth/ExternalUserAgent (1.6.2):
- AppAuth/Core
- BoringSSL-GRPC (0.0.24):
- BoringSSL-GRPC/Implementation (= 0.0.24)
- BoringSSL-GRPC/Interface (= 0.0.24)
- BoringSSL-GRPC/Implementation (0.0.24):
- BoringSSL-GRPC/Interface (= 0.0.24)
- BoringSSL-GRPC/Interface (0.0.24)
- cloud_firestore (4.13.1):
- Firebase/Firestore (= 10.17.0)
- firebase_core
- Flutter
- nanopb (< 2.30910.0, >= 2.30908.0)
- cloud_functions (4.5.4):
- Firebase/Functions (= 10.17.0)
- firebase_core
- Flutter
- desktop_webview_auth (0.0.1):
- Flutter
- device_info_plus (0.0.1):
- Flutter
- Firebase/Auth (10.17.0):
- Firebase/CoreOnly
- FirebaseAuth (~> 10.17.0)
- Firebase/CoreOnly (10.17.0):
- FirebaseCore (= 10.17.0)
- Firebase/DynamicLinks (10.17.0):
- Firebase/CoreOnly
- FirebaseDynamicLinks (~> 10.17.0)
- Firebase/Firestore (10.17.0):
- Firebase/CoreOnly
- FirebaseFirestore (~> 10.17.0)
- Firebase/Functions (10.17.0):
- Firebase/CoreOnly
- FirebaseFunctions (~> 10.17.0)
- Firebase/Messaging (10.17.0):
- Firebase/CoreOnly
- FirebaseMessaging (~> 10.17.0)
- Firebase/Storage (10.17.0):
- Firebase/CoreOnly
- FirebaseStorage (~> 10.17.0)
- firebase_auth (4.14.0):
- Firebase/Auth (= 10.17.0)
- firebase_core
- Flutter
- firebase_core (2.22.0):
- Firebase/CoreOnly (= 10.17.0)
- Flutter
- firebase_dynamic_links (5.4.4):
- Firebase/DynamicLinks (= 10.17.0)
- firebase_core
- Flutter
- firebase_messaging (14.7.4):
- Firebase/Messaging (= 10.17.0)
- firebase_core
- Flutter
- firebase_storage (11.5.1):
- Firebase/Storage (= 10.17.0)
- firebase_core
- Flutter
- FirebaseAppCheckInterop (10.18.0)
- FirebaseAuth (10.17.0):
- FirebaseAppCheckInterop (~> 10.17)
- FirebaseCore (~> 10.0)
- GoogleUtilities/AppDelegateSwizzler (~> 7.8)
- GoogleUtilities/Environment (~> 7.8)
- GTMSessionFetcher/Core (< 4.0, >= 2.1)
- RecaptchaInterop (~> 100.0)
- FirebaseAuthInterop (10.18.0)
- FirebaseCore (10.17.0):
- FirebaseCoreInternal (~> 10.0)
- GoogleUtilities/Environment (~> 7.8)
- GoogleUtilities/Logger (~> 7.8)
- FirebaseCoreExtension (10.18.0):
- FirebaseCore (~> 10.0)
- FirebaseCoreInternal (10.18.0):
- "GoogleUtilities/NSData+zlib (~> 7.8)"
- FirebaseDynamicLinks (10.17.0):
- FirebaseCore (~> 10.0)
- FirebaseFirestore (10.17.0):
- FirebaseCore (~> 10.0)
- FirebaseCoreExtension (~> 10.0)
- FirebaseFirestoreInternal (~> 10.17)
- FirebaseSharedSwift (~> 10.0)
- FirebaseFirestoreInternal (10.18.0):
- abseil/algorithm (~> 1.20220623.0)
- abseil/base (~> 1.20220623.0)
- abseil/container/flat_hash_map (~> 1.20220623.0)
- abseil/memory (~> 1.20220623.0)
- abseil/meta (~> 1.20220623.0)
- abseil/strings/strings (~> 1.20220623.0)
- abseil/time (~> 1.20220623.0)
- abseil/types (~> 1.20220623.0)
- FirebaseAppCheckInterop (~> 10.17)
- FirebaseCore (~> 10.0)
- "gRPC-C++ (~> 1.49.1)"
- leveldb-library (~> 1.22)
- nanopb (< 2.30910.0, >= 2.30908.0)
- FirebaseFunctions (10.17.0):
- FirebaseAppCheckInterop (~> 10.10)
- FirebaseAuthInterop (~> 10.0)
- FirebaseCore (~> 10.0)
- FirebaseCoreExtension (~> 10.0)
- FirebaseMessagingInterop (~> 10.0)
- FirebaseSharedSwift (~> 10.0)
- GTMSessionFetcher/Core (< 4.0, >= 2.1)
- FirebaseInstallations (10.18.0):
- FirebaseCore (~> 10.0)
- GoogleUtilities/Environment (~> 7.8)
- GoogleUtilities/UserDefaults (~> 7.8)
- PromisesObjC (~> 2.1)
- FirebaseMessaging (10.17.0):
- FirebaseCore (~> 10.0)
- FirebaseInstallations (~> 10.0)
- GoogleDataTransport (~> 9.2)
- GoogleUtilities/AppDelegateSwizzler (~> 7.8)
- GoogleUtilities/Environment (~> 7.8)
- GoogleUtilities/Reachability (~> 7.8)
- GoogleUtilities/UserDefaults (~> 7.8)
- nanopb (< 2.30910.0, >= 2.30908.0)
- FirebaseMessagingInterop (10.18.0)
- FirebaseSharedSwift (10.18.0)
- FirebaseStorage (10.17.0):
- FirebaseAppCheckInterop (~> 10.0)
- FirebaseAuthInterop (~> 10.0)
- FirebaseCore (~> 10.0)
- FirebaseCoreExtension (~> 10.0)
- GTMSessionFetcher/Core (< 4.0, >= 2.1)
- Flutter (1.0.0)
- flutter_local_notifications (0.0.1):
- Flutter
- flutter_native_splash (0.0.1):
- Flutter
- flutter_timezone (0.0.1):
- Flutter
- geolocator_apple (1.2.0):
- Flutter
- google_sign_in_ios (0.0.1):
- Flutter
- GoogleSignIn (~> 6.2)
- GoogleDataTransport (9.2.5):
- GoogleUtilities/Environment (~> 7.7)
- nanopb (< 2.30910.0, >= 2.30908.0)
- PromisesObjC (< 3.0, >= 1.2)
- GoogleSignIn (6.2.4):
- AppAuth (~> 1.5)
- GTMAppAuth (~> 1.3)
- GTMSessionFetcher/Core (< 3.0, >= 1.1)
- GoogleUtilities/AppDelegateSwizzler (7.12.0):
- GoogleUtilities/Environment
- GoogleUtilities/Logger
- GoogleUtilities/Network
- GoogleUtilities/Environment (7.12.0):
- PromisesObjC (< 3.0, >= 1.2)
- GoogleUtilities/Logger (7.12.0):
- GoogleUtilities/Environment
- GoogleUtilities/Network (7.12.0):
- GoogleUtilities/Logger
- "GoogleUtilities/NSData+zlib"
- GoogleUtilities/Reachability
- "GoogleUtilities/NSData+zlib (7.12.0)"
- GoogleUtilities/Reachability (7.12.0):
- GoogleUtilities/Logger
- GoogleUtilities/UserDefaults (7.12.0):
- GoogleUtilities/Logger
- "gRPC-C++ (1.49.1)":
- "gRPC-C++/Implementation (= 1.49.1)"
- "gRPC-C++/Interface (= 1.49.1)"
- "gRPC-C++/Implementation (1.49.1)":
- abseil/base/base (= 1.20220623.0)
- abseil/base/core_headers (= 1.20220623.0)
- abseil/cleanup/cleanup (= 1.20220623.0)
- abseil/container/flat_hash_map (= 1.20220623.0)
- abseil/container/flat_hash_set (= 1.20220623.0)
- abseil/container/inlined_vector (= 1.20220623.0)
- abseil/functional/any_invocable (= 1.20220623.0)
- abseil/functional/bind_front (= 1.20220623.0)
- abseil/functional/function_ref (= 1.20220623.0)
- abseil/hash/hash (= 1.20220623.0)
- abseil/memory/memory (= 1.20220623.0)
- abseil/meta/type_traits (= 1.20220623.0)
- abseil/random/random (= 1.20220623.0)
- abseil/status/status (= 1.20220623.0)
- abseil/status/statusor (= 1.20220623.0)
- abseil/strings/cord (= 1.20220623.0)
- abseil/strings/str_format (= 1.20220623.0)
- abseil/strings/strings (= 1.20220623.0)
- abseil/synchronization/synchronization (= 1.20220623.0)
- abseil/time/time (= 1.20220623.0)
- abseil/types/optional (= 1.20220623.0)
- abseil/types/span (= 1.20220623.0)
- abseil/types/variant (= 1.20220623.0)
- abseil/utility/utility (= 1.20220623.0)
- "gRPC-C++/Interface (= 1.49.1)"
- gRPC-Core (= 1.49.1)
- "gRPC-C++/Interface (1.49.1)"
- gRPC-Core (1.49.1):
- gRPC-Core/Implementation (= 1.49.1)
- gRPC-Core/Interface (= 1.49.1)
- gRPC-Core/Implementation (1.49.1):
- abseil/base/base (= 1.20220623.0)
- abseil/base/core_headers (= 1.20220623.0)
- abseil/container/flat_hash_map (= 1.20220623.0)
- abseil/container/flat_hash_set (= 1.20220623.0)
- abseil/container/inlined_vector (= 1.20220623.0)
- abseil/functional/any_invocable (= 1.20220623.0)
- abseil/functional/bind_front (= 1.20220623.0)
- abseil/functional/function_ref (= 1.20220623.0)
- abseil/hash/hash (= 1.20220623.0)
- abseil/memory/memory (= 1.20220623.0)
- abseil/meta/type_traits (= 1.20220623.0)
- abseil/random/random (= 1.20220623.0)
- abseil/status/status (= 1.20220623.0)
- abseil/status/statusor (= 1.20220623.0)
- abseil/strings/cord (= 1.20220623.0)
- abseil/strings/str_format (= 1.20220623.0)
- abseil/strings/strings (= 1.20220623.0)
- abseil/synchronization/synchronization (= 1.20220623.0)
- abseil/time/time (= 1.20220623.0)
- abseil/types/optional (= 1.20220623.0)
- abseil/types/span (= 1.20220623.0)
- abseil/types/variant (= 1.20220623.0)
- abseil/utility/utility (= 1.20220623.0)
- BoringSSL-GRPC (= 0.0.24)
- gRPC-Core/Interface (= 1.49.1)
- gRPC-Core/Interface (1.49.1)
- GTMAppAuth (1.3.1):
- AppAuth/Core (~> 1.6)
- GTMSessionFetcher/Core (< 3.0, >= 1.5)
- GTMSessionFetcher/Core (2.3.0)
- leveldb-library (1.22.2)
- nanopb (2.30909.1):
- nanopb/decode (= 2.30909.1)
- nanopb/encode (= 2.30909.1)
- nanopb/decode (2.30909.1)
- nanopb/encode (2.30909.1)
- path_provider_foundation (0.0.1):
- Flutter
- FlutterMacOS
- PromisesObjC (2.3.1)
- RecaptchaInterop (100.0.0)
- shared_preferences_foundation (0.0.1):
- Flutter
- FlutterMacOS
- webview_flutter_wkwebview (0.0.1):
- Flutter
- cloud_firestore (from `.symlinks/plugins/cloud_firestore/ios`)
- cloud_functions (from `.symlinks/plugins/cloud_functions/ios`)
- desktop_webview_auth (from `.symlinks/plugins/desktop_webview_auth/ios`)
- device_info_plus (from `.symlinks/plugins/device_info_plus/ios`)
- firebase_auth (from `.symlinks/plugins/firebase_auth/ios`)
- firebase_core (from `.symlinks/plugins/firebase_core/ios`)
- firebase_dynamic_links (from `.symlinks/plugins/firebase_dynamic_links/ios`)
- firebase_messaging (from `.symlinks/plugins/firebase_messaging/ios`)
- firebase_storage (from `.symlinks/plugins/firebase_storage/ios`)
- Flutter (from `Flutter`)
- flutter_local_notifications (from `.symlinks/plugins/flutter_local_notifications/ios`)
- flutter_native_splash (from `.symlinks/plugins/flutter_native_splash/ios`)
- flutter_timezone (from `.symlinks/plugins/flutter_timezone/ios`)
- geolocator_apple (from `.symlinks/plugins/geolocator_apple/ios`)
- google_sign_in_ios (from `.symlinks/plugins/google_sign_in_ios/ios`)
- path_provider_foundation (from `.symlinks/plugins/path_provider_foundation/darwin`)
- shared_preferences_foundation (from `.symlinks/plugins/shared_preferences_foundation/darwin`)
- webview_flutter_wkwebview (from `.symlinks/plugins/webview_flutter_wkwebview/ios`)
- abseil
- AppAuth
- BoringSSL-GRPC
- Firebase
- FirebaseAppCheckInterop
- FirebaseAuth
- FirebaseAuthInterop
- FirebaseCore
- FirebaseCoreExtension
- FirebaseCoreInternal
- FirebaseDynamicLinks
- FirebaseFirestore
- FirebaseFirestoreInternal
- FirebaseFunctions
- FirebaseInstallations
- FirebaseMessaging
- FirebaseMessagingInterop
- FirebaseSharedSwift
- FirebaseStorage
- GoogleDataTransport
- GoogleSignIn
- GoogleUtilities
- "gRPC-C++"
- gRPC-Core
- GTMAppAuth
- GTMSessionFetcher
- leveldb-library
- nanopb
- PromisesObjC
- RecaptchaInterop
:path: ".symlinks/plugins/cloud_firestore/ios"
:path: ".symlinks/plugins/cloud_functions/ios"
:path: ".symlinks/plugins/desktop_webview_auth/ios"
:path: ".symlinks/plugins/device_info_plus/ios"
:path: ".symlinks/plugins/firebase_auth/ios"
:path: ".symlinks/plugins/firebase_core/ios"
:path: ".symlinks/plugins/firebase_dynamic_links/ios"
:path: ".symlinks/plugins/firebase_messaging/ios"
:path: ".symlinks/plugins/firebase_storage/ios"
:path: Flutter
:path: ".symlinks/plugins/flutter_local_notifications/ios"
:path: ".symlinks/plugins/flutter_native_splash/ios"
:path: ".symlinks/plugins/flutter_timezone/ios"
:path: ".symlinks/plugins/geolocator_apple/ios"
:path: ".symlinks/plugins/google_sign_in_ios/ios"
:path: ".symlinks/plugins/path_provider_foundation/darwin"
:path: ".symlinks/plugins/shared_preferences_foundation/darwin"
:path: ".symlinks/plugins/webview_flutter_wkwebview/ios"
abseil: 926fb7a82dc6d2b8e1f2ed7f3a718bce691d1e46
AppAuth: 3bb1d1cd9340bd09f5ed189fb00b1cc28e1e8570
BoringSSL-GRPC: 3175b25143e648463a56daeaaa499c6cb86dad33
cloud_firestore: c0e21891b99d3ac3d91abfe476ac88830a7c9939
cloud_functions: 5a8a98b2037ff2b57cac56155faede7417d24de9
desktop_webview_auth: d645139460ef203d50bd0cdb33356785dd939cce
device_info_plus: 7545d84d8d1b896cb16a4ff98c19f07ec4b298ea
Firebase: f4ac0b02927af9253ae094d23deecf0890da7374
firebase_auth: 6a41305f668ac6f9bcbefdedfcba5aacb8367e92
firebase_core: efc9455611b8769fa90fbdae5da182600bd6901c
firebase_dynamic_links: 9b884c33258a6a93182b84804dcfe8a20803a328
firebase_messaging: 9c697d1ecfe77edf15d995b5048906ffc994c96c
firebase_storage: c10cf9a1c953d6cb41873c735f3740c43111b3c4
FirebaseAppCheckInterop: 3cd914842ba46f4304050874cd284de82f154ffd
FirebaseAuth: 8d285d9f6e39cc8e23be53a4edd83a923ea629d8
FirebaseAuthInterop: 5818713dcd7239beb96c1125e4b14d6a5a910e5f
FirebaseCore: 534544dd98cabcf4bf8598d88ec683b02319a528
FirebaseCoreExtension: 62b201498aa10535801cdf3448c7f4db5e24ed80
FirebaseCoreInternal: 8eb002e564b533bdcf1ba011f33f2b5c10e2ed4a
FirebaseDynamicLinks: 66878206d55d4aba6e63744f57151a80d76e472e
FirebaseFirestore: 67e8c2dc613a86f056cc0037569f2aaee7dbf5fe
FirebaseFirestoreInternal: 3d5d03f2447caae64311d2cda92abbf4ec5241be
FirebaseFunctions: c6894e60efe40af356a800c39c501136e6565a51
FirebaseInstallations: e842042ec6ac1fd2e37d7706363ebe7f662afea4
FirebaseMessaging: 1367b28c0c83a63072af4a711328fcc2e6899902
FirebaseMessagingInterop: e4ff7139aad39ab9149ae6462828ed3b8cdaa86c
FirebaseSharedSwift: 62e248642c0582324d0390706cadd314687c116b
FirebaseStorage: 4af6f9ea67b6a8e4e3cbd75e006b4776a50e8b12
Flutter: f04841e97a9d0b0a8025694d0796dd46242b2854
flutter_local_notifications: 0c0b1ae97e741e1521e4c1629a459d04b9aec743
flutter_native_splash: 52501b97d1c0a5f898d687f1646226c1f93c56ef
flutter_timezone: ffb07bdad3c6276af8dada0f11978d8a1f8a20bb
geolocator_apple: cc556e6844d508c95df1e87e3ea6fa4e58c50401
google_sign_in_ios: 1256ff9d941db546373826966720b0c24804bcdd
GoogleDataTransport: 54dee9d48d14580407f8f5fbf2f496e92437a2f2
GoogleSignIn: 5651ce3a61e56ca864160e79b484cd9ed3f49b7a
GoogleUtilities: 0759d1a57ebb953965c2dfe0ba4c82e95ccc2e34
"gRPC-C++": 2df8cba576898bdacd29f0266d5236fa0e26ba6a
gRPC-Core: a21a60aefc08c68c247b439a9ef97174b0c54f96
GTMAppAuth: 0ff230db599948a9ad7470ca667337803b3fc4dd
GTMSessionFetcher: 3a63d75eecd6aa32c2fc79f578064e1214dfdec2
leveldb-library: f03246171cce0484482ec291f88b6d563699ee06
nanopb: d4d75c12cd1316f4a64e3c6963f879ecd4b5e0d5
path_provider_foundation: 29f094ae23ebbca9d3d0cec13889cd9060c0e943
PromisesObjC: c50d2056b5253dadbd6c2bea79b0674bd5a52fa4
RecaptchaInterop: 7d1a4a01a6b2cb1610a47ef3f85f0c411434cb21
shared_preferences_foundation: 5b919d13b803cadd15ed2dc053125c68730e5126
webview_flutter_wkwebview: 2e2d318f21a5e036e2c3f26171342e95908bd60a
PODFILE CHECKSUM: 11e809994b326e534988b4f0e5f22f3ba0fb0721
@Ivan_Belousov , using the information in your screenshots, I was able to find your user accound and see the changes stored. Currently, the username stored on our backend is “Ivan.” So, it looks like your iPad is not picking up. Also, I saw you have 20 reading sessions synced, so the information is being stored on our backend.
Let me know if you use the Private Relay. The problem might be that iOS is blocking communication with our server.
In the meantime, I just upgraded Firebase SDK to its latest version, and I’m going to make the user ID visible on the profile screen so it’s easier to see if both devices are actually logged in with the same account. These changes will be in the next Panels release. Probably 3.4.10.
Thank you for the response! Yes, I’m using Apple Private Relay. I’ve been mostly reading on my iPad, and my reading progress is a little ahead compared to my iPhone. For example, I have completed ”Deadpool Kills The Marvel Universe“ on my iPad, but on my phone, it only shows 20–30% completion. But hey, I’m looking forward to the changes in the next update.
September 26, 2024, 11:11am
Just to be clear, I don’t think my changes will resolve this. If the Private Relay is the issue, either Google or Apple will have to figure this out and it’s most likely affecting other apps too.
Could you try disabling the Private Relay momentarily on both devices, and try updating your reading progress to see if sync works both ways?
I just checked both of my devices and icloud private relay is turned off for both of them
September 26, 2024, 11:19am
Thanks! It must be something else, then. I’ll keep digging.
Hello @dani , just wanted to check if you had any luck with the sync issues. Thanks
October 1, 2024, 6:36am
We haven’t found anything. A couple of days ago, we released a new beta. Could you install it? Discord
In this new build, the profile screen shows your userID. Can you install the beta on both devices and check the userID is the same?
October 2, 2024, 5:54pm
Today, we released the beta version in the AppStore. You can install the latest version on the AppStore and find your userID in your profile section.
Give it a try and let me know if both of your devices are logged in with he same account id.
Hi @dani , thank you for pushing the update. I was looking into installing the beta but the update was pushed to the app store before I could do that.
I can see that both of my devices have the same userid.
Would you like me to share it? Can I send it over in a direct message?
I can see that both the devices have a different support ID however. Not sure if that’s relevant.
October 2, 2024, 6:54pm
Thanks! yes please, send me a screenshot over DM.
I’ll try to find logs on our server.
I can see that both the devices have a different support ID however. Not sure if that’s relevant.
Support identifiers should be identical if both devices use the same Apple ID. But in some scenarios, they can be different. If iCloud Keychain is not enabled, for instance.
But that doesn’t affect the content synchronization at all. As long as the user ID is the same, both devices use the same account.
I’ll keep investigating. It might take me some time to figure this out, because we’ve only received your reports, and we can’t reproduce it on our end. We must be missing something
In the next beta/release builds, I’ll add more remote logs into the app to gather more data.
I have sent you the screenshots over DM. I think I may have started multiple threads in the messages but I’ve sent both the screenshots. Thank you
1 Like
October 3, 2024, 11:59am
Thank you!
Let’s see if I can gather any information with your IDs and figure this out.
Thanks for your patience
Just dropping in to say I’m having reading progress issues with Panel
October 8, 2024, 1:34pm
Hey folks! We just released a new beta build, which includes remote logs to gather more information about the syncing issue.
It would be great if you could install it on your devices and use it normally.
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October 17, 2024, 1:27pm
Hi folks @rincewind @Curtis_Barber @Ivan_Belousov
Is there any chance any of you have the data/time manually set on your device, instead of automatically synced with the internet/GSM provider?
I got some new logs with Denied Access errors from the server. That can only occur if the app tries to update the reading sessions of the wrong user (very unlikely because the userId is automatically resolved by Firebase’s SDK), of if the reading session sent to the server is older than the one stored on the database.
Having the date/time set incorrectly on the device could cause this issue.